Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 06/18/07 22:42
PaowZ wrote:
> Hello There!
> I'm trying to handle sessions using php5, but having some troubles to
> design it..
> Ok, I have to use "session_set_save_handler()" to override session
> management but I don't really understand callback functions arguments.
> According to doc (http://fr3.php.net/manual/fr/function.session-set-
> save-handler.php french version),
> open(), close() take not arg, read() takes $id, write() takes $id,
> $sess_data and so on...
> But too few doc about it.. a little may be found there:
> http://shiflett.org/articles/storing-sessions-in-a-database
> My question: do we have to take in account these args ? May I
> implement my callback functions without supplying those arguments but
> my own ones ? How have I to consider it ? :)
> Any suggestions ?
> Thanks a lot.
You need to use the supplied args. For instance, the $id in read and
write is the session id.
These functions are called by PHP, not your code. They must be
compatible with PHP's session handling code.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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