Posted by Chaddy2222 on 06/19/07 14:36
Travis Newbury wrote:
> On Jun 18, 11:16 pm, "Chris F.A. Johnson" <cfajohn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > When making a page readable over a large range of settings is so
> > easy, why would one do anything else?
> Well the main reason would be if it increased your sales, or helped
> your bottom line. If I learn what excites my target audience, and I
> give it to them, then my sales go up even if I designing like that
> makes the site unusable to some non target audience visitors.
> If I am selling hemorrhoid cream, then I will more than likely get the
> most sales if the site can be viewed, and navigated easily by an older
> audience like your Mom. With the exception of maybe a application
> training video [oh the visuals that brings], the site would probably
> be very straight forward. Putting fancy Flash menus is meaningless to
> someone that has hemorrhoids.
> But, if I am selling a cool ass video game that is directed at couch
> potato 12-17 year old boys who spend every moment of their lives
> either masturbating or playing this game, then I will have a shit load
> of fancy Flash, lots of suggestive boobalishious images and videos for
> them to see. Your Mom would probably never be able to use the site,
> and I might even lose a sale to you if she tried to go to the site and
> buy you a birthday present, But I am pretty sure that the sales I
> gain by giving my target audience (read that as the people that LOVE
> this kind of stuff) exactly what they want will far outweigh the few
> I lose because someone not in my target audience (your Mom) can not
> use the site for one reason or another.
> That is why you might not want to make your pages readable over a
> large range of settings. And your right, making a site that spans all
> configurations is easier than the one I described.
In the case of the site you discribe, you kind of need a bit of both,
in fact that is the kind of site where a splash page would actually
work well, you would provide a link to the interactive site, with
video etc, then you would also provide a link to an online store, so
if people (eg the parents), who were not interested in wasting time
online, but who were being pested by their children, (lots are), to
buy a specific game then they could go their to the online store and
choose the product, pay for it and leave and everyones happy, a lnk to
the online store could also be provided through the interactive site.
Regards Chad. http://freewebdesign.awardspace.biz
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