Posted by Adrienne Boswell on 06/21/07 05:13
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Rich Bradshaw
<Rich.Bradshaw@gmail.com> writing in news:1182365867.888535.188240
> Hi,
> Sorry about the long title - I have a page with a navbar on. I would
> like like to make it so that the links that link to the page the user
> is on are a different color.
> The problem is, that I want to keep the menu in a file so that I can
> server side include it, so I don't want to have to change it manually
> for each page.
This is what I do, and it works very well. At the top of each page:
$thispage = "The title of the page, for title and first level heading";
$thisurl = "theactualurl.php";
Then as I loop through the menu, if the url of the menu item is the same
as $thisurl, then it gets a class of current page, and is styled
The reason that I assign it a class is that I might have a menu on the
bottom of the page as well, and as it might use a different div id, the
class can be used again, and could, or could not be styled diffently, eg;
ul#menu.current {border:1px solid #000;}
ul#footer.current {border:1px dotted #000;}
Adrienne Boswell at Home
Arbpen Web Site Design Services
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