Posted by RvT on 06/22/07 15:07
On 21 jun, 23:04, Bergamot <berga...@visi.com> wrote:
> RvT wrote:
> > I would suggest rewriting the code using DIVs and SPANs rather than
> > DDs and DTs.
> That would be foolish. Div and span should not be used when there are
> more meaningful elements to do the job. Using a definition list for an
> FAQ might be debatable, but that's better than your suggestion, I think.
You could very easily use SPAN in this case for it is a small page, I
don't see any reason why this should not be "meaningful". The page is
rather small and you could easily limit the SPAN to the DIV that
contains the FAQ list.
> And please stop top posting. If you spent any time lurking in this group
> before jumping in, you'd know the accepted posting practices.
I see a question and I answer it in order to help someone out. If you
don't like it, so be it, but I find your hostility quite out of place.
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