Posted by shimmyshack on 06/22/07 14:49
On Jun 22, 3:44 pm, shimmyshack <matt.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 3:27 pm, aqua...@cox.net wrote:
> > I am parsing some text files that have all the spacing between words
> > doubled. The space between characters is one instead of zero, and the
> > space between words is two instead of one.
> > I am trying to create a regular expression that replaces the single
> > space between the characters in the words with no space. Something
> > like preg_replace('/.\s.','',$string).
> > Obviously, the above code doesn't do the trick, but that is the idea.
> > Can someone please show me the way? Thank you.
> you mean
> $strText = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $strText);
> which makes all multiple spaces into a single space, leaving those
> with just one untouched for speed
> or
> $strText = str_replace( ' ',' ',$strText );
> which converts doubles to singles, str_replace is fastest.
sorry I didn't quite understand, what yuo want is to kill a single
space wherever it is found - once.
$strText = str_replace( ' ','',$strText );
job done, no spaces in between characters, and only one in between
words, sorry should have read more carefully!
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