Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/24/07 13:04
Ginae wrote:
> Okay, people...please...I am sooo stuck...
> My tables are ALL JACKED UP...
> There is supposed to be about a 300x900 header image in the top cell
> of every table and it is not manifesting...
> ON the index file...that column on the right is NOT supposed to be
> that small...i've tried to embiggen the parameters, to no avail..
> AND/ALL insight is sincerely appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Ginae Mc.
> http://katiemaudstephan.com/index.html
In addition to what Chris said, when having inline JavaScript and
stylesheets what is between the opening and closing tags of each must
comply to the respective syntax, so the old practice of using HTML
comments <!-- --> to hide from ancient browsers needed tweaking to
comply with each syntax. So for JavaScript "//" means comment and to add
it to the tail end of the html and you get
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Obsolete hiding
....your code...
But for stylesheets /* */ us for comments so your JavaScript tweaked
comment throws an error...
<style type="text/css">
A:visited {color:BLUE; text-decoration: none;}
A:link {color:BLUE; text-decoration: none;}
A:active {color: BLUE; text-decoration: underline;}
A:hover {background-color:BLACK;}
*Very wrong*
As I said before, the practice of hiding both stylesheet and JavaScript
code is obsolete and you should add the html comments.
But more basically you need to update your coding method about 10 years
and save yourself a lot of grief and work. Go through the tutorials at
www.htmldog.com to get started... Then Google for "3 column with header
and footer CSS layout" to find a template for your redesign.
Take care,
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