Reply to Re: Rant - Small font sizes

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Posted by dorayme on 06/25/07 01:57

In article
"Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote:

> Ed Jensen wrote:
> > I know a lot of people (including myself) that aren't too happy about
> > the small font sizes that seem so popular on web sites these days.
> Web developers get younger and younger...
> > The way I deal with it is by using Firefox and the View -> Text Size
> > -> Increase feature.
> Why not just press Control-Plus? Or Control-Minus to decrease, and
> Control-0 (Zero) to return to your default.
> > Increasing the font size one or two steps usually does the job. It
> > usually also causes the web site to render slightly incorrectly, but
> > I guess you can't have everything!
> ..because those developers don't know how to properly define font size.

I was looking at
the other day and became gloomy thinking that there really is no
hope on this font-size battle. It is lost. Here is a serious
article on a respected website consciously using small fonts for
main body text. The deliberateness is announced in no uncertain
terms. First:

* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}

now that is pretty serious stuff.

Next the plan becomes quite clear:

body {font: 0.8125em Verdana, sans-serif; line-height: 1; color:
#333; background: #FFF;}

I am getting so tired of upping text on so much. But if I up it
in prefs, I will be downing it for all the websites which are
made by authors who refuse to be drawn into this arms race.


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