Posted by Rami Elomaa on 06/26/07 15:17
sathyashrayan kirjoitti:
> print "More Url $i:<input type='text' name='url_comp_'.$i><br>";
The line above is producing malformed html, it will print:
More Url 1:<input type='text' name='url_comp_'.1><br>
This is just wrong. The browser will take the name as url_comp_ and
wonder what the heck the .1 is doing there but not taking them into account.
I assume you wanted:
More Url 1:<input type='text' name='url_comp_1'><br>
To get that, change the code like this:
print "More Url $i:<input type='text' name='url_comp_$i'><br>";
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