Posted by William Gill on 06/26/07 23:46
Toby A Inkster wrote:
> William Gill wrote:
>> but when '<?php if ($a > $b) { ?>' and '<?php } else { ?>' are separated
>> by many lines of html, it isn't so easy.
> It is for precisely this reason that I don't use any blocks of HTML these
> days -- just PHP.
To do that, wouldn't I have to do the html in a WYSIWYG editor to get
the aesthetics, then cut it into a bunch of php print statements? That
seems like I'd be working for php, not the other way around.
I still like the idea of an editor that can compress the presentation
(html) into icons for program editing in one view, and compress the
logic (php) into icons for presentation editing in another.
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