Posted by rf on 06/28/07 13:27
Wimbledon is on, as I'm sure those of you in the Mother Country know.
We Need to know when our local .au hero Hewitt is going to play. Checks the
official web site and notice that he is on after Ms Williams has devoured
her latest opponent. Click on the Williams vs whoever match. Notice a "WATCH
MATCH LIVE" (their shouting) link. Clickety click.
They want me to provide them with my email address and all sorts of things
like my *name* and they want me to actually *pay* to look at their video
feed. It's nice that they don't allow sponsorship advertising of any kind
cluttering up their pretty green venu but bloody hell, they are pushing the
almighty $ envelope here. Obviously drezigned by those idiots over in
Bah humbug. I'll go back to my TV. Why should I pay to watch some little
bloody tiny mpeg on my computer when I can watch my TV projecting a 10 foot
wide image onto my lounge room wall?
I wonder what they were thinking about when they did this and I wonder how
many suckers they actually caught? Good way to piss off users of their web
site IMHO.
Addendum: My tennis partner has just informed me she simply cannot get this
to even work on a MAC :-)
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