Reply to Re: Did a phpinfo. What does this "Configure Command" output mean?

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Posted by Lars Eighner on 06/29/07 22:09

In our last episode,
<>, the lovely and
talented Reporter broadcast on comp.lang.php:

> I got the output listed below from phpinfo. I am running on GoDaddy.
> If I wanted to change the configuration of my PHP, where would i find
> this "configure" command? Is it documented?

configure is a script that comes with the source distribution of many
software packages. The options that you see for it are options that
can be compiled into the program, in this case PHP.

Odds are pretty good GoDaddy will not let you recompile their PHP. If you
can make a really good case for it, their admin might recompile it with some
option that you need. To try this, you would have to identify which option
you need that is not available on GoDaddy and be able to describe why you
need it. Is there something specific?

Admins generally don't turn on everything for a number of good reasons. For
example, they don't turn on interfaces to various databases that they do not
have installed, and often configure options include things that are
experimental or things which are not proven secure, things that are too
resource intensive, or things admins don't trust users with.

You can, of course, compile it any way you please on your own machine, but
then if you write stuff that works on your machine, it won't work on GoDaddy
if you use things that are not enable on their PHP.

The bottom line is: configure is nothing you (or anyone else) can muck with
at runtime.

> Configure Command

> './configure' '--with-cgi' '--enable-fastcgi' '--with-config-file-
> path=/web/conf' '--with-gd' '--with-xml' '--with-gettext' '--with-zlib-
> dir=/usr/src/zlib' '--disable-posix' '--with-jpeg-dir=../jpeg-6b' '--
> enable-gd-native-ttf' '--enable-ftp' '--with-freetype-dir=/usr' '--
> with-freetype' '--with-sybase=/usr/src/freetds' '--with-curl=/usr/bin/
> curl' '--with-dom' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-soap' '--enable-
> bcmath' '--with-zip' '--with-openssl' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-mysql=/
> usr/local/mysql-5.0'

Lars Eighner <> <>
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