Posted by Guillaume Dargaud on 07/03/07 09:31
Hello All,
I'm looking for a way to add a list of user comments at the bottom of a web
page, in PHP.
I've looked and played with several available tools but they don't fit my
needs which are:
- very simple, list all comments unthreaded and puts an 'add comment' form
at the bottom.
- preferably locally hosted (direct php code would be great)
- no login, just a name field (it's not for extensive discussions)
- a comment field (obviously), text only is fine (or very basic html).
- an antispam visual
- if possible no reliance on SQL, I'd prefer it saves the comments as files
I've tried QuickTopic, but it is hosted remotely (and has more functions)
and does not seem to have antispam protection.
MyBB is way too complex (needs user login...)
I see plenty of web pages similar to what I'd like, such as
or http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2007/06/comparing_rare.html but
usually they seem to be part of a much larger CMS or blog package.
Any suggestion ?!?
Guillaume Dargaud
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