Posted by ZeldorBlat on 07/03/07 14:36
On Jul 3, 10:23 am, "Schroeder, AJ" <a...@qg.com> wrote:
> Hello group,
> I have a few PHP scripts that poll switches and routers via SNMP. Depending
> on the user, the scripts can be run from either Windows XP or *ix (FreeBSD,
> Redhat, etc)
> I am beginning to implement syslog() and openlog() in my scripts and there
> are some suddle differences in how PHP logs to event viewer in Windows and
> syslog in everything else. About the most reliable method I have found in
> detecting Windows is a simple check to see if $_SERVER['OS'] is defined,
> which returns "Windows_NT". On Redhat it doesn't come back as defined at
> all, so that makes the code easy.
> I'm sure I am not the first one to attempt this, can anyone else share their
> experiences with this and maybe offer a better way other than checking for a
> predefined constant?
> Thanks,
> AJ Schroeder
There are lots of ways. You could even look at the constant
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR to see if it's / or \ -- I have yet to find a *nix
system that uses \ and a Windows system that uses /.
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