Posted by desmond on 07/04/07 13:21
shimmyshack <matt.farey@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 28, 6:14 pm, shimmyshack <matt.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 28, 2:53 pm, desmond <desm...@zeouane.org> wrote:
>> > .. by 'works', I mean that thera are no errors. Unfortunately, there's no
>> > output either. :-(
>> > Here is the HTML that I have in 'test.php' ...
>> >http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=649529794&size=o
>> > Here is the php code in the file select.php ...
>> >http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=649529810&size=o
>> > When i call up test.php' from my webbrowser, I enter say 'tom' and I get no
>> > results. $dbname _is_ populated and there _is_ a user in there called
>> > 'tom'.
>> > Can someone advise..? Thanks
>> > [1] I hope this is the right forum..
>> your markup is incorrect you need
>> name="first_name" rather than
>> id=....
>> same goes for them all
>> also you have {['country']} rather than {$row['country']}
>> also where are you getting $first_name from in the query?
>> do you set it to
>> $first_name = mysql_string_real_escape( $_GET['first_name'] );
>> you know the form uses GET if you dont specify otherwise.
>> your code is shall we say not quite all there yet, I would look at
>> some examples online and then adjst them to suit your needs.
> sorry should have been:
> mysql_real_escape_string
OK now you're starting to scare me, 'cos I'd imagined that I could set up
some sort of PhP catalogue by following some tutorials, doing the minimum
to get it up and running, and then 'perfect' it by learning what I needed.
But it looks like I was wrong. I need to learn the whole thing before I
can even begin to do this, don't I? OK, next question: is there such a
thing as a PhP script that I can download, to 'drop in' to my site? The DB
itself is bog-standard, users, stock etc.
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