Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/04/07 21:48
Mariano Montone wrote:
> On 4 jul, 17:52, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Mariano Montone wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to know how I can achieve keeping a transaction live
>>> across multiple http requests. This is not for production work so any
>>> ugly hacks are welcomed. My idea is using solidDB engine optimistic
>>> concurrency control for transactions in order to avoid locking. Isn't
>>> there any way I can keep the transaction id or something in order to
>>> have access to the same transaction later on?
>>> Thanks, Mariano
>> You can't. Connections are closed at the end of each page.
>> You wouldn't want to, anyway. It's NEVER a good idea to hold any kind
>> of lock (even ones implicitly held in transactions) across user input.
> I know it's not a good idea. That's why I want to do some tests
> involving optimistic concurrency control provided by solidDB. That
> means that there's no locking. Transactions are validated on commit
> instead.
> Mariano
Well, I can't speak for Soliddb - I've never used it. But basically,
no, you can't keep the connection open. Once the request handling ends
and the results are sent to your program, the thread or process
(depending on Apache version and your OS) terminates. And now there is
no connection to maintain.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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