Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/05/07 14:47 wrote:
> On Jun 29, 8:05 pm, none <""arjen\"@(none)"> wrote:
>> wrote:
>>> I'm often traveling for business in areas with restricted access to
>>> Internet, so it is difficult to consult information published on my
>>> website. I'd like to have a copy of it on my laptop, but saving it on
>>> a laptop will make it static.
>>> How can I do to make it dynamic as it was online?
>>> Thanks for your help.
>> Both posters above are right but if you are runnign a windows labtop
>> (you probably are) and a unix server there might be some problems. If
>> that is the case install vmware(server) and follow an howto on how to
>> install apache/mysql/php. i recommend Debian. The following command will
>> get you quite far :-)
>> iirc
>> #apt-get install php5 mysql-server apache2 phpmyadmin
>> good luck
> Thank you guys for your replies!
> As none says I'm running a windows laptop so I can't run a WAMP
> server as you suggested.
> I'm thinking of a software which allows to make copies of websites
> without any previous installation.
> I don't know if it exists.I've tried website grabber but i don't like
> much the concept.
> Waiting for advice.
> Cheers Steeviz
I also run Apache on my laptop. It's not WAMP - I installed each piece
individually. But it's the same thing.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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