Posted by desmond on 07/05/07 16:32
Brian Telford <brian@remove.this.rushford.antispam.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> OK now you're starting to scare me, 'cos I'd imagined that I could set up
>> some sort of PhP catalogue by following some tutorials, doing the minimum
>> to get it up and running, and then 'perfect' it by learning what I needed.
>> But it looks like I was wrong. I need to learn the whole thing before I
>> can even begin to do this, don't I? OK, next question: is there such a
>> thing as a PhP script that I can download, to 'drop in' to my site? The
>> DB
>> itself is bog-standard, users, stock etc.
> Try oscommerce it's fairly simple to set up. Easy to expand with new modules
> and widely used
> so plenty of support forums. The best bit it's FREE.
> www.oscommerce.com
Looks promising. Many, many thanks!
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