Posted by Andy Jeffries on 07/06/07 12:59
On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 14:16:50 +0000, Aggelos wrote:
> I have developed a content management system and every time I want to
> create some short of server wide repository of the classes I am using.
> Do you have any ideas of what is the best way to do it ?
> I am on a Linux OS by the way.
Create a folder on your server (for example: /usr/share/AggelosCode/) and
put your files in there.
Edit your php.ini, find the line that says "include_path" and add your
folder on the end of it:
include_path = ".:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/AggelosCode/"
Restart Apache (or your web server) and any include/require statements
will look in that folder too.
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