Posted by robert.szczepanski on 07/08/07 10:32
Hi everybody;
I can't change polish sign to small letter.
This is my php script:
setlocale(LC_ALL, "pl_PL.UTF-8") ; //this function return
echo strtolower('ŻÓŁTA WODA');
When I have executed my script
the polish letter has still capital.
The result is "ŻÓŁta woda" in my firefox.
The letter "TA WODA" change ok i.e "ta woda"
but polish letter no change good i.e. "ŻÓŁ" => "ŻÓŁ". it has still the
I have tried to use: "header('Content-type: text/
html;charset=pl_PL.UTF-8'); " but
result has still the same.
Any sugestion or comment how to corrent change this sign to small
letter I am greatly appreciated.
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