Posted by grdhillon on 07/09/07 15:33
please help me .. i want to know that how can i use google map on
passing address ....
$start_lon = longitude to start wtih
$start_lat = latitude to start with,
$start_zoo = start zoom level,
$Gkey = your Google Key (you need to get this from Google),
$alsoload = other javascripts that should load,
NAM = name of the point (e.g. NY)
LON = longitude,
LAT = latitude,
HTM = html for the info box,
STA = number of the group the point belongs to,
STA = 0 is show on open
STA = 9 ~ all groups
GRN = name of the gorup the point belongs to,
ZOO = the default zoom level for the point
$htmllist = show the list of points in an html-formatted list (0 =
no, 1 =
function Gmapper($start_lon, $start_lat, $start_zoo, $Gkey,
$data, $htmllist = 0 ) {
$imgfolderjs = str_replace("/", "\/", "i/Ms/");
$var = 'var map;
var baseIcon = new GIcon();
baseIcon.shadow = "";
baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(15, 26);
baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(1, 1);
baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(7, 26);
baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(7, 10);
baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(12, 20);
var iml = new Array();
var h = new Array();
var a = new Array();
var o = new Array();
var s = new Array();
var iml = new Array();
var httx = "'.$local_http.'";';
$js = '
function addPoI(status, z) {
map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint('.$start_lon.', '.$start_lat.'), z);';
$j = 0;
$i = 0;
$staex = 0;
$list = '<ul id="Gmapgoto">';
foreach($data as $ds) {
$gpclass = 'gp'.$ds["STA"];
if($ds["STA"] != $staex && $i > 0) {
$list .= '
$js .= '
if($i == 0 || $ds["STA"] != $staex) {
$list .= '
<li id="'.$gpclass.'"><a href="#" onclick="return !addPoI('.
'.$ds["ZOO"].'); ">'.$ds["GRN"].'</a><ul>';
$js .= '
if(status == '.$ds["STA"].' || status == 9) {';
$staex = $ds["STA"];
$var .= '
h['.$i.'] = \''.$ds["HTM"].'\'; a['.$i.'] = \''.$ds["LAT"].'\'; o['.
$i.'] =
\''.$ds["LON"].'\'; s['.$i.'] = \''.$ds["STA"].'\';
$js .= '
markme('.$i.'); ';
$list .= '
<li><a href="#" onclick="return
$list .= '</ul></li></ul>';
$js .= '
return true;
function zoomer(i) {
map.recenterOrPanToLatLng(new GPoint(o[i], a[i]));
markme (i, 1);
return true;
function markme (i, show) {
var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
icon.image = "'.$imgfolderjs.'marker" + s[i] + ".gif";
var point = new GPoint(o[i],a[i]);
var marker = new GMarker(point, icon);
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
marker.openInfoWindowHtml(\'<div class="marker">\' + h[i] + \'</div>
\'); });
if(show == 1) {
marker.openInfoWindowHtml(\'<div class="marker">\' + h[i] + \'</div>
return marker;
function loadims (imgx, i) {
if( window.Image ) {
iml[i] = new Image();
iml[i].src = imgx;
function starter(o, a, z) {
if(!GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
alert("Your browsers does not support this map. Please Get Firefox
else {
map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(o, a), z);
return true;
function go () {
map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"),[G_SATELLITE_TYPE]);
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
starter('.$start_lon.', '.$start_lat.', '.$start_zoo.');
addPoI(0, '.$start_zoo.');
return true;
window.onload = go;';
$v[0] = '
<div id="map"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
if($htmllist) {
$v[1] .= '
<h2>Main options: </h2>
<ul id="Gmapmain">
<li><a href="#" onclick="return !go(\''.$start_lon.'\',\''.
\''.$start_zoo.'\'); ">start over</a></li>
<li><a href="#" onclick="return !addPoI(9, '.$start_zoo.'); ">show
<h2>go to...</h2>
return $v;
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