Reply to Re: alt vs title in explorer 7 & firefox

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Posted by Neredbojias on 07/10/07 02:01

Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 23:19:57
GMT dorayme scribed:

>> So all that means exactly what with regard to my number?
> It means that your figure is wrong, either because it is
> impossible to cross the desert in so low a mileage (you make an
> error in your reasoning if you did not simply pluck a number off
> a shelf - see my previous post on this) or so high a figure (you
> simply gave up before considering deeper issues).
> Now, if you do not understand these last remarks of mine, it is a
> safe bet you will never solve the more complicated problem of
> understanding the logistics involved in the desert. So, for now,
> I want you to concentrate heavily on these last remarks of mine.
> Loll them about in that xenophobic, sexist, javascript loving
> brain of yours.

:) Good one.

> Now there is a thought, Boji! Javascript. You could cheat and
> write a program to get the result or very close to it. You know,
> I used to solve problems like this in Basic when I worked my SE
> and SE30. It was a lot of fun. I "solved" some of the other bin
> Hassad puzzles this way. You make a model suitable for a program
> and run it. I did that successfully, if I recall, with
> <
> l>
> and I think with
> <
> r.html>

I have done some similar stuff with javascript but rarely have the
patience for non-code related items like puzzlers, etc.

> But the desert would be trickier to program for. However,
> personal computers are pretty powerful these days and you might
> get something half sensible by sheer number crunching. (That is
> basically what chess computers do - or did... they are getting
> smarter I hear)

I thought I *did* get something half sensible.

Anyway, I give up. Oh, it's a good puzzle and all that, but some of us
don't have the time to while away on it between sheep shearings.

A self-made man who worships his creator

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