Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/09/07 18:53
Guillaume Dargaud wrote:
>> Just a suggestion. Learn SQL. It's not very hard, especially for simple
>> stuff like what you want. And it's a lot easier than trying to code your
>> own flat file stuff.
> I know it's worthy advice, and I do know enough to fill and retrieve rows in
> tabs. What I want to avoid is the database management involved, particularly
> when having a development server and a live one, where you can fill on 2
> sides and try to sync things at both ends. That's the headache part.
> Anyway I found so Captcha code (I didn't even remember what it's called).
Glad you found some CAPTCHA code.
As for keeping databases in sync - I seldom do it. I'll export the live
server and import it to the development one, but if I ever put anything
on the development server I want to keep I put it on the live server,
also. That way I never need to sync development to live.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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