Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/12/07 12:31
tomb wrote:
> Sjoerd wrote:
>> tomb wrote:
>>> What happens to the $_SESSION values? Mine go away.
>> Did you call session_start() before doing anything with $_SESSION? On
>> both the login page and the next page?
> Yes, absolutely. It's in the include file, so it's called immediately
> after the database stuff and the session_set_save_handler function
> call. The $sessid variable is getting a value after session_start(),
> it's just the $_SESSION object that ends up with nothing in it. I
> thought this was supposed to maintain the values for this user until the
> session expires?
> Tom
But do you call session_start() before ANY output - even white space?
First of all, get rid of your session handler to eliminate one possible
cause. Then put your session_start() at the very top of the pages - i.e.
<?php session_start();?>
Ensure this is the very first line on your pages with no white space
before them.
And ensure you've enabled all error reporting in your php.ini file.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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