Posted by techusky on 07/12/07 21:36
On Jul 12, 9:39 am, #2pencil <number2pen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would try the following code.
> <form action="test.php" method="post">
> Feet: <input type="text" name="feet" id="feet">
> <input type="submit" value="Convert">
> </form>
> Also, for trouble shooting change 'post' to 'get' & then you can see
> all values passed in your url.
> test.php:
> <?php
> // Retrieve user's entry
> if($_POST['feet']) {
> $feet = $_POST['feet'];
> // Convert $feet to $inches
> $inches = ($feet * 12);
> // Display $inches
> echo "$inches";}
> else echo 'Post contains no value.<br>';
> ?>
> -#2pencil-http://www.akroncdnr.com
I "fixed" this issue by using my VMWare Ubuntu web server. The server
mentioned in my first post that is running on Windows XP was part of a
WAMP installer, so I am positive that there is just some weird setting
it has tucked away somewhere that I could not find. But a clean
install of Apache2.2, PHP5, and MySQL5 on Ubuntu yielded a working
I will post back if/when I figure out what was wrong on my Windows XP
web server.
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