Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/13/07 15:47
msuc117@yahoo.com wrote:
> On Jul 12, 10:16 pm, - <"bgyuobhjo[i"@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> ... and text is flowing around nicely?
>> Pic could be left or right or in the center.
>> Can someone post a sample?
>> Thanks in advance...
> you can use the "align" attribute of the img tag to position the image
> left, right or center within the text or
> use the float inline style on the img tag to position the image to the
> left or right within the text
> <div>
> [text]
> <img src="pic.jpg" align="center" />
> [text]
> </div>
Does not do what you expect, it does not put the image in the center of
the page, but aligns the image within *one* line of text vertically with
respect to the baseline of that text line. Also deprecated, with CSS is
is <img src="pic.jpg" style="vertical-align: middle" alt="the pic">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut commodo
volutpat augue. Morbi hendrerit, lorem vel iaculis congue, orci est
| |
vehicula | IMAGE | mi, scelerisque hendrerit urna leo tempus
| |
justo. Integer lacinia, dolor id lacinia pulvinar, lacus odio tempus
mauris, sit amet porta eros justo id mauris. Nam dolor erat, cursus non,
fringilla ...
It will *not* produce:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut commodo
volutpat augue. Morbi hendrerit, lorem vel iaculis congue, orci est
vehicula mi, scelerisque +---------------+ hendrerit urna leo tempus
justo. Integer lacinia, | | dolor id lacinia pulvinar,
lacus odio tempus mauris,| IMAGE | sit amet porta eros justo
id mauris. Nam dolor erat| | cursus non, fringilla
commodo, convallis sceler+---------------+ isque, massa. Duis ac ligula
Nulla aliquet. Vivamus porttitor ligula dictum elit. Ut sagittis pede
Take care,
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