Posted by TSB on 07/14/07 09:18
Currently I am reading Sam's Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours. The book
is very good, but it is extremely slim on exercises. I'm one of those
types of people who learn by doing, not by reading or listening. I
have been searching around for exercises to do, but I'm not finding
any and what I do find does not correspond with what I've learned so
far. I've even gone to samspublishing.com and they didn't have
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for website to get this, or
if anyone would be interested in submitting some ideas to me. I've
just completed Hour 6: Functions. I'm interested in suggestions for
exercises which cover this Hour and Hour 5, which covers flow control
(if..else, while, do while, for) ...
Any helpful suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.
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