Posted by pnberry on 07/15/07 22:46
I'm trying to write a query using the mysql interface and I do not
know how to escape the parentheses I'm using in the query.
Here's the query as I tested it in the mysql monitor and it works as
it should:
SELECT * FROM tblCustomers WHERE InactiveFlag = "0" AND (FirstName
LIKE "%Paul%" or BusinessOrLastName LIKE "%Paul%" OR Id LIKE "%Paul
%") ORDER BY BusinessOrLastname;
Here is what I've tried in my PHP script (the strings $inactive &
$search have the values "0" and "Paul" respectively):
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblCustomers WHERE InactiveFlag=
AND \(FirstName LIKE \"%$search%\" OR BusinessOrLastName LIKE \"%
$search%\" OR Id LIKE \"%$search%\"\)
ORDER BY BusinessOrLastName",$db);
I've attempted to escape the ()'s in the mysql_query() function with
backslashes \( and \) but it isn't working. I've read the PHP manual
about mysql_real_escape_string() but it's not clear if this will work
or how I would apply it.
Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks, Paul
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