Posted by alexander.arvidsson on 07/16/07 19:22
Alex: Yep, I've outlined that as a solution to my customer; I'm fairly
certain the problem will be back, though.
I'll take a look at the links you posted, thank you very much.
Gert-Jan: The developers in this case has shown an interesting
inability to comprehend the concept of pages in itself... The reason I
was given over the phone was 'Nah, over 50 rows in a table, the time
it takes to insert a row is too great. Nonclustered is SOO much
faster'. This was quickly followed by an angry retort about that I
could use DBCC DBREINDEX to sort out the problem with the UNUSED
space. It goes without saying that DBCC DBREINDEX don't do very much
good in this case...
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