Posted by Nooze Goy on 07/16/07 21:13
Aerik wrote:
> I'm learning this can be a tough crowd.
As my Opa used to say, there's a fair bit o' space in between bein'
tough and bein' a revolvin' a55hole.
> Nooze: I think you're asking for too much advice for a forum like
> this - but everything you want to do is doable if you're willing to
> invest the time. Here's my advice for the fisherman-in-training:
> Break your project up into pieces with increasing complexity (pretty
> much what you're already doing). Read the php and mysql stuff at
> w3schools. Read, as Jerry suggested, about sql injection - this is
> security and so is important, but not hard to put reasonable measures
> in place. All this will get you 80% of the way there, and will
> probably take you a few days if you have a reasonable aptitude
> otherwise. Then, come back and ask more specific questions.
> Best Regards,
> Aerik
> P.S. I've gone down pretty much the same path you're on, FYI, and
> learned a pretty reasonable amount from scouring tutorials.
Thanks... I =am= scouring tutorials. As I tried (apparently rather
unsuccessfully) to get across before, I'm doing this because ... well,
hell, why AM I doing it? I dunno, I guess it's the goodness of my heart,
although there are those who doubt the existence of any such content ...
I'm doing it because it's (possibly) easier than listening to the
bastards whine about it. I'd like to not spend too damned many hours
doing it, and I haven't found diddle-e-squat on using arrays in forms on
not a hell of a lot on event-handling in browser pages. It looks like a
combination of php and js might be the ticket... I played around with it
some, but there's some sort of issue with most of the cut'n'paste js
code making it work in IE but not in FF or Opera, and god nose about
Safari. I reckon if I can figure out the tricks for multi-browser js,
this may be doable with not too many problems.
Thanks again - I appreciate your response!
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