Posted by Rik on 07/16/07 21:33
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:07:13 +0200, AK_Matt_B <boswell.matt@gmail.com>
> On Jul 16, 11:30 am, Rik <luiheidsgoe...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 21:03:37 +0200, Michael <xmxmich...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > I'm new to PHP, I already learned the basics of the language and built
>> > some little app's for practice.
>> > I have a critical dilemma, soon enough, I probably start to develop
>> > real-world applications, fully working web-sites for paying
>> > costumers.
>> > I have 2 options for doing this: writing everything with plain PHP, or
>> > using some PHP framework.
>> > I don't want to choose something and the realize that the other is
>> > batter.
>> > I want to get used for one of this 2 programming techniques and stick
>> > with it with no regrets in the future.
>> > please try to help me here, I'm searching the web for 3 days but can't
>> > find a decent answer, many programmers started with plain PHP then
>> > wanted to try some framework but realized that changing all the apps
>> > they have been building would be a pain -so they stick with the
>> > plain php and maybe some template engine [ie- Smarty]. thats not my
>> > situation because I'm new to the language, I really want to do the
>> > best move at the beginning.
>> There's no single answer, all depends on what it is exactly that you're
>> making. If you're a starter, changes are your projects aren't going to
>> be
>> that big and complicated in the beginning. In those cases, using a
>> framework is usually overkill, and the project is better served with
>> 'plain' PHP coding. Bigger projects later on might well benefit from a
>> framework, certainly if there's more then one coder involved, but which
>> is
>> entirely dependant on the project itself.
> What is the difference between framework development and plain?
> Very informative response thanks!
One could write a book about it, but the short explanation (cutting some
A framework is a reusable design for a (sub)system including code
libraries etc. It takes care of repetitive tasks, often used constructs
etc. It has the advantages of a certain amount of abstraction and uniform
code, and updating code is far more easy. However, because of the required
reusability and abstraction it often consumes far more resources then
actually needed. 'plain' in this case is to the point, direct code, for a
specific purpose with a known environment. A framework would have to take
different possible environments into account, and does not really do
anything, it facilitates an easier, shorter way of coding the actual
Rik Wasmus
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