Posted by newbie on 07/18/07 01:00
Hello All,
I'm trying to figure out this array problem I have. I don't know if
I'm doing this correctly. Anyone want to take a look.
Current Situation.
I have a form with checkboxes and corresponding textfields for each
checkbox. Here is the HTML
<input type="checkbox" name="shows[]" value="Morning">Morning</
option># of People<input type="text" name="people[]" value="" />
<input type="checkbox" name="shows[]" value="Lunch">Lunch</option># of
People<input type="text" name="people[]" value="" />
<input type="checkbox" name="shows[]" value="Evening">Evening</
option># of People<input type="text" name="people[]" value="" />
Current Problem
If I was to fill out the form and check off the "Evening" checkbox
with 15 people in the textbox and looked at the arrays I would have
the following:
shows Array {
[0] => Evening
people Array {
[0] =>
[1] =>
[2] => 15
I guess I was expecting this
shows Array {
[0] => Evening
people Array {
[0] => 15
Attempted Solution
// Merge Shows Options
function show_Pairing($s, $n) {
return("$s <br> est. $n People,<br><br>");
function map_Pairs($s, $n) {
return(array($s => $n));
$merged_list = array_map("show_Pairing", $_POST["shows"],
foreach ($merged_list as $key => $value) {
$shows_list .= ucfirst ($key) ." : ". $value . "<br>";
0. Evening est. people
1. est. people
2. est. 15 people
So what's happening is the checkboxes seem to have their own key
values and the text boxes have their own key values but when I pair
them they don't seem to want to match.
In this example "Evening" should have a key of shows[2] because that's
how it appeared in the list HTML form but that's not happening.
Is there a PHP solution that can deal with this? Do I need to
reconsider how I laid out my HTML?
Looking for a > PHP 4.4 solution considering ISP doesn't have PHP 5.
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