Posted by Noozer on 07/20/07 09:11
Trying to parse some strings and I could really use some help with a regular
expression (and how to test it in php).
My sample strings:
Bob 1/0/X0 134 128 1 5 Data
A comment line
Bob 1/0/X2 84 82 25 0 COMPARTMENT1-3
Bob 1/0/X1 1710 167 0 4 123 N/A
Bob 11/0/X3 84 7 0 6 Data
I'm trying to identify any string that starts with "Bob", then a space, then
a digit OR a space, then #/#/X#, three spaces, a 1 to 4 digit number, some
spaces, a 1 to 4 digit number, some spaces, a 1 to 4 digit number, some
spaces, a 1 to 4 digit number, some spaces, some alpha characters.
In my sample, the first, third and fifth strings would test positive.
I'm sure I've botched this up, but this is what I have so far.
if (
, $line ) ) { ...mycode... }
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