Posted by Hugo Kornelis on 07/20/07 20:26
On Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:39:44 -0700, Carsten wrote:
>Hello Folks,
>I encountered a problem with SQL server 2000 and UDFs.
>I have a scalar UDF and a table UDF where I would like the scalar UDF
>to provide the argument for the table UDF like in:
> *
> transaction_t
> trxn_gu_id in (
> select get_trxns_for_quarter(get_current_quarter( GetDate() ) )
> )
>'get_current_quarter' returns an integer which is a GUID in a table
>containing business quarter definitions, like start date, end date.
>'get_current_quarter' is a scalar UDF.
>'get_trxns_for_quarter' will then get all transctions that fall into
>that quarter and return their GUID's in a table.
>'get_trxns_for_quarter' is a table UDF.
Hi Carsten,
You need to select from a table-valued function. And you need to
schema-qualify UDF's.
SELECT Column1, Column2, ... -- Don't use SELECT * !!
FROM transaction_t
WHERE trxn_gu_id IN
(SELECT Column_name
FROM dbo.get_trxns_for_quarter
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
My SQL Server blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis
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