Posted by Krustov on 07/21/07 16:44
<Sat, 14 Jul 2007 02:18:16 -0700>
> Currently I am reading Sam's Teach Yourself PHP in 24 Hours. The book
> is very good, but it is extremely slim on exercises. I'm one of those
> types of people who learn by doing, not by reading or listening. I
> have been searching around for exercises to do, but I'm not finding
> any and what I do find does not correspond with what I've learned so
> far. I've even gone to samspublishing.com and they didn't have
> anything.
> I would greatly appreciate any suggestions for website to get this, or
> if anyone would be interested in submitting some ideas to me. I've
> just completed Hour 6: Functions. I'm interested in suggestions for
> exercises which cover this Hour and Hour 5, which covers flow control
> (if..else, while, do while, for) ...
> Any helpful suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.
I usually only read this newsgroup every couple of weeks .
This afternoon i was reading a thread on how count how many users are
online or surfing a website .
Not being something i've done before i had a go at adding it to a
website called www.outerlimitsfan.co.uk that i finished and brought
online yesterday .
It turned out to be quite easy to write & i've set the user ip address
to timeout at 15 minutes .
So , For want of a better description , If you see a particular specific
thing mentioned on this newsgroup you could try writing your own version
of it on one of your own websites as a practical example .
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