Posted by cappa on 07/21/07 20:36
i've some problem to print to screen and save date in mysql if the
entries contain char like à,è...
i try to read some post but i'm not able to solve my problem.
i use easyphp 1.8 with
apache 1.3.33-php 4.3.10-mysql 4.1.9
SO:windows vista home premium
in php.ini i've: default_charset = "utf-8"
in phpmyadmin i can read:
language: italian (it-utf-8)
char set: utf-8 unicode (utf8)
collation: utf8_unicode_ci
int hte browser meta tag: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
the table structure is:
id int(11)
question varchar(255) utf8_general_ci
answer text utf8_general_ci
so if i make select * form table where 1, the output on screen is:
1. abad?? Modify (hope that you see 2 squares after abad it would
be abadà)
2. academia Modify
3. agog?? Modify (hope that you see 2 squares after agog it would be
clicking on modify appear a form with a text box and a text area and
the strange is that in the form i see the right char.
in mysql the data of the table are
have you any idea?
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