Reply to Re: Constructor as a "Reset" Button

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Posted by Sanders Kaufman on 07/25/07 19:13

Michael Fesser wrote:
> .oO(Sanders Kaufman)

>> Maybe that should be my marketing slogan - "It's only a *little*
>> inefficient".
> Well, when printing that out, you better use
> print 'It\'s only a *little* inefficient';
> instead of
> print "It's only a *little* inefficient";
> because the first is more efficient.

Well, shucks! I know you were being funny, but that's a darned good
point - and I'm gonna do that from now on.

In fact, I'm gonna go back through my code and make sure I did my
strings that way.

I had the same problem with SQL about a year back. I always used
double-quotes, instead of single-quotes - and I even thought it was
supposed to be that way from the ANSI standard. Then a DBA showed me
just how wrong I was.

Been writing SQL for a couple of decades, and PHP for almost one - but I
still get some of the most fundamental stuff ALL wrong.

Thanks, dude.

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