Reply to Re: dynamic button not working

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Posted by Iv�n S�nchez Ortega on 07/26/07 20:36

tomb wrote:

> Thank you for such an informative and complete response. You actually
> led me to the real problem and, yes, it is PHP related.

Well, you didn't say that the first time ;-)

> When I capture the actual response from my PHP script, I see all my quote
> marks are escaped with \., which I am doing when I build the response
> string. I didn't think they would still be there when it reached my
> browser. Is there something I can do in my PHP script prior to returning
> the HTML string that will strip those slashes? I tried stripslashed() and
> stripcslashes() but they didn't seem to do anything.

Can I see the PHP code that outputs the HTML+javascript?

> I also tried changing my code to single quotes around the entire string,
> and double quotes only - no slashes - around the element values, but it
> still comes to my browser with the slashes at the double-quotes. ???

Maybe you're just not used to the way PHP handles escape characters inside
single-quoted and double-quoted strings:

In single-quoted strings, *only* the \' and \\ are escaped.

In double-quoted strings, variables are expanded (i.e. replaced with their
values), and \", \n, \t, \\, \$ and some other escape sequences are
escaped, BUT \' is *NOT*.

Iván Sánchez Ortega -ivansanchez-algarroba-escomposlinux-punto-org-

Un ordenador no es un televisor ni un microondas, es una herramienta

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