Posted by petersprc on 07/26/07 21:29
Wonder what happens if you do:
$count = $db->extended->execParam('delete from auth where username = ?
limit 1', array('.$|meno.'), null);
echo "Delete $count records.";
On Jul 26, 7:31 am, Milan Krejci <> wrote:
> function odstran($jmeno) {
> $this->res=&$this->mdb2->query("DELETE FROM auth WHERE
> username='".$jmeno."' LIMIT 1");
> if (PEAR::isError($this->res)) die($this->res->getMessage());
> //var_dump($this->res);
> //echo $this->res->numRows();
> //if ($this->res->numRows()==1) echo ('<p>Uzivatel odstranen</p>');
> ////////////////////BUG ^^^
> }
> it should return 0 or 1 but it is NULL. the record has been deleted
> allright but numRows() doesn't return anything even if nothing has been
> deleted.
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