Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/26/07 22:03
MZ wrote:
> Unfortunately it still doesn`t work...
> I have the first file where I`ve implemented session variable $user. I`ve
> made some changes to make the code easier to understand
<code snipped>
> ==========================================================
> When the above code is being called everything works fine. But when I click
> on the other (didn`t mention in the
> above files) <a href> link which also has session_start() call at the
> beginning of the file, it the login.tpl if statement
> can`t let get inside the code and actual logged person is not displayed.
> Please help me
> Marcin
Well, first of all, you're using Smarty, which changes things a lot.
It's not just your PHP code any more.
Is the href pointing at the same domain as the rest? That is, if you're
page is www.example.com/page1.php, is the page being referenced
something like www.example.com/page2.php?
The reason I ask is that browsers won't send a cookie created by one
domain to another domain (security issue - and PHP uses cookies for the
session id).
Otherwise I would recommend you ask in the Smarty discussion forums.
Someone's probably run into it there.
Also, when replying to a message, please copy the relevant part of the
message and post your response below the copied text (as I did here), or
, in the case of a long message, interspaced in the message. It helps
to keep the continuity and we don't have to keep going back to look at
previous messages. Thanks.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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