Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/29/07 00:33
Nooze Goy wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Nooze Goy wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>> Nooze Goy wrote:
>>>>> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>> Nooze Goy wrote:
>>>>>>> I'm trying to use a blog client to write messages with "attached"
>>>>>>> .pdf content to WordPress blogs. WIth the "Direct Upload"
>>>>>>> mechanism, the attached files work for some types (like .txt) but
>>>>>>> fails with .pdfs, with a message about an XML parsing error.
>>>>>>> However, the XML code looks pretty good to my untrained eye, and
>>>>>>> gives no errors when run through some verifiers , and there are
>>>>>>> no errors in the httpd logs. As far as I can tell, this is using
>>>>>>> Incutio's xml-rpc library, but I haven't gotten any response from
>>>>>>> them (him) about what might be going on - the error message is
>>>>>>> not too helpful ("Invalid procedure call or argument").
>>>>>>> What steps can I take to get some more useful debug info?
>>>>>> Maybe ask the WordPress support people?
>>>>> What makes you think I haven't already done that?
>>>> I don't know.
>>> You don't know, but you jump in anyway with your assumption? Why
>>> would you do that?
>>>> But this isn't the place to be asking.
>>> It's your opinion, and you're more than welcome to it. But it's not
>>> your call, though, is it?
>>> > I doubt many
>>>> people know much about WordPress.
>>> You are one assumptifying fella, ain'tcha?
>>>> Whereas everyone in the WordPress support forums does.
>>> Does what?
>>>> Now if you have a question about specific PHP code, this is the
>>>> place to be asking.
>>> It IS a PHP code question, Jerry. It's obvious you don't know and
>>> haven't taken the trouble to look at Incutio's code, you clearly
>>> don't have any kind of answers, all you can do with this is make
>>> assumptions and pontificate. Why don't you just go play somewhere else?
>> I will add one thing. You're running under Apache, aren't you? Why
>> not try alt.apache.configuration? Or is your OS Linux? Any of those
>> would be just as appropriate.
>> Linux is written in C. So according to your argument, any linux
>> question is appropriate for a C newsgroup.
>> Just because WordPress is written in PHP doesn't mean this is an
>> appropriate newsgroup for WordPress questions! Get a clue!
> Multiple (non-)answers, now?
> How pathetic are you?
You're just a troll - and a pretty bad one at that.
This is not your private newsgroup. This is a newsgroup for answering
PHP questions.
So WordPress is written in PHP? Linux is written in C - so by your
argument all Linux questions should be answered in comp.lang.c.
Notice no one else answered your post, you pathetic little turd. That's
because this isn't the place to ask how to do something in WordPress
But you're really just too stoopid to understand that, aren't you. And
you feel the whole internet should be at your disposal, to answer any
question in any newsgroup you want. It shows. Look at your response
after I gently tried to direct you to the right place. Just because you
couldn't ask a question intelligently enough to be answered in the
WordPress support doesn't mean you'll get one here. In fact, you won't.
Sorry, loser. It doesn't work that way.
Now go back to playing with yourself. You can see how many people here
are just jumping to play with you.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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