Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/30/07 11:37
Rami Elomaa wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> news:WcidnTsFVfvtlTDbnZ2dnUVZ_qainZ2d@comcast.com...
>> Rami Elomaa wrote:
>>> Jerry Stuckle kirjoitti:
>>>> Rami Elomaa wrote:
>>>>> Frank kirjoitti:
>>>>>> Good morning,
>>>>>> I'm a newbie and I'm about to study a scripting language to create an
>>>>>> HTML form. What's the best language for this, and why?
>>>>>> JavaScript? PHP? PERL? Ajax? ASP? VBScript?
>>>>> First you need to get your terms right. There's client-side scripting,
>>>>> and then there's server-side scripting. PHP, Perl, ASP and JSP (which
>>>>> you didn't mention, but it's wort looking into still) are server-side
>>>>> languages, JavaScript and VBScript are client-side. Ajax is not a
>>>>> language at all, it's the name for a technique that allows javascript
>>>>> to communicate with some server-side application.
>>>> Yes, you need to get your terms right. VBScript is also server-side.
>>>>> Choosing between javascript and vbscript, there really is no
>>>>> competition, VBScript is microsoft proprietary bullshit, it works only
>>>>> in MS Internet Explorer, and knowing that there is a variety of other
>>>>> browsers, you can't choose a language that works in only one of them.
>>>>> So for client-side scripts you use javascript. And if possible, don't
>>>>> use it, try to make everything work with just server-side scripts.
>>>>> JavaScript is just an enhancment, not a complete solution.
>>>> It also works on Microsoft servers, i.e. IIS. While I'm not fond of it,
>>>> I do have a couple of customers who use it. It works quite well, when
>>>> done properly.
>>>> When run on the server, the client doesn't matter, just like any
>>>> server-side language.
>>>>> Next the choice between PHP, Perl, ASP and JSP. Again, one of these
>>>>> languages is microsoft-only, works only in Windows+IIS webserver,
>>>>> wouldn't go there. For PHP, Perl and JSP then, JSP is propably the most
>>>>> sophisticated since it's completly object oriented language, maybe most
>>>>> difficult to learn but worth it. PHP and Perl are good choices both,
>>>>> just pick one. Since this is a php group I have to recommend php.
>>>> ASP is not a language. It is an interface. You can use several
>>>> different languages with it.
>>>> JSP is also not a language, but a way of adding Java code to web pages.
>>>> The underlying code is Java.
>>>> Before suggesting someone else get their terminology straight, I suggest
>>>> you get yours straight. And get rid of the attitude.
>>> Thanks Jerry for correcting me. JavaScript as server-side is such an
>>> unusual situation that I don't even consider it as such, even though it
>>> is entierly possible as you pointed out. As for VB and ASP you are
>>> correct, my bad. But what do you mean by attitude and why should I get
>>> rid of it? I thought I was helping the fellow but it seems that you know
>>> better than me so from now on I'll say nothing. Instead of getting rid of
>>> an attitude I'll get rid of myself.
>>> It's been fun here, time to move on.
>>> -Rammy
>> Rammy,
>> I didn't say anything about Javascript being server side. Only VBScript.
> Well nevertheless JS is also server-side.
>> As for your attitude - I'm referring to your comments such as "VBScript is
>> microsoft proprietary bullshit".
> Well it is. ;)
>> Maybe it is, and maybe you feel this way. However, the op was requesting
>> an honest comparison between languages, and such comments limit your
>> credibility.
> Fine, as I said earlier, I shall not bother this group again with my
> attitude.
That's your choice. I was just trying correct a couple of
misunderstandings you had (i.e. VBSCript being client side only).
Also, just a little advice about how your responses can be more
credible. While you may think VBScript is BS, you have given no reasons
for that statement. An emotional statement like that without backup and
your credibility falls to zero.
And BTW - that does not mean I support VBScript.
But if you want to go, fine. If you're that thin skinned that a
correction upsets you, you won't last long in this group anyway.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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