Posted by gerrymcc on 07/30/07 12:06
Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>Yes, please ignore this asshole.
>This is a PHP newsgroup, for questions on PHP. If you have a mysql
>question, you will be better served asking in a MySQL newsgroup, such as
>Usenet is split up into over 36,000 newsgroups (on my server, anyway),
>each with their own purpose. And if people ignore that purpose, soon
>you'll get all kinds of off-topic questions in all kinds of newsgroups.
>We have enough problems with non-PHP questions in this group without
>assholes like Zach encouraging others to post off-topic questions.
>Remove the "x" from my email address
>Jerry Stuckle
>JDS Computer Training Corp.
I did a search for MySQL newsgroups but there are none available on my
ISP's newsgroup server, hence my request for assistance here.
I think Zach was right; the question was short and near enough
on-topic to be considered relevant, and apparently there was a concise
Unfortunately, several other people felt it was necessary to wag their
fingers. Please stop for a moment to consider whether such knee-jerk
responses are always appropriate.
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