Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/30/07 12:19
gerrymcc@indigo.ie wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Yes, please ignore this asshole.
>> This is a PHP newsgroup, for questions on PHP. If you have a mysql
>> question, you will be better served asking in a MySQL newsgroup, such as
>> comp.databases.mysql.
>> Usenet is split up into over 36,000 newsgroups (on my server, anyway),
>> each with their own purpose. And if people ignore that purpose, soon
>> you'll get all kinds of off-topic questions in all kinds of newsgroups.
>> We have enough problems with non-PHP questions in this group without
>> assholes like Zach encouraging others to post off-topic questions.
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstucklex@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> I did a search for MySQL newsgroups but there are none available on my
> ISP's newsgroup server, hence my request for assistance here.
> I think Zach was right; the question was short and near enough
> on-topic to be considered relevant, and apparently there was a concise
> answer.
> Unfortunately, several other people felt it was necessary to wag their
> fingers. Please stop for a moment to consider whether such knee-jerk
> responses are always appropriate.
> Gerard
I'm sorry your ISP doesn't support comp.database.mysql or other mysql
newsgroups. But you can still access them through Google Groups.
And where in this newsgroup's name do you see "MYSQL"? Or where in your
inquiry did you even reference "PHP"?
It's not a knee-jerk reaction. Rather, it's trying to keep this
newsgroup to PHP questions like it is intended.
In this and a lot of other newsgroups, if you ask an off-topic question
and you will be told about it.
And it doesn't matter if you agree with Zach or not. He's new to this
newsgroup and obviously doesn't understand how this newsgroup works yet
(his first post was three days ago where he admitted he is a new PHP
user). Rather, you should be listening to people like Rik and Rami, who
have been on here much longer.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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