Posted by SpaceGirl on 07/30/07 21:58
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:52:05 -0500, Bergamot <bergamot@visi.com>
> wrote:
>> SpaceGirl wrote:
>>> Adobe Flash CS3 (Flash 9 with AS3) and
>>> Microsoft's WPF are a step into the sort of platforms we should be
>>> developing for online.
>> For some things, probably, but certainly not everything as you suggest.
> Well, what's interesting is that more and more HTML will probably be
> used WITHIN Flash. I would say that HTML in and of itself is nearing
> the point of being on the verge of a dying language, however within
> Flash it does have a possible future.
Nah, not in Flash 9 anyway. HTML rendering in Flash 9 is still very
basic... Apollo on the other hand (ahem, I mean, AIR) can do all of
this, but I seriously think AIR has no future before it's even started.
People Will Not Download Bloated Players Adobe! Wake Up! Well unless
someone creates a killer app with it anyway, I think AIR will go
nowhere. Tell me, how many people have Shockwave players on their
computers theses days? Almost noone? Everyone has Flash though... and
everyone who has Windows Vista also has WFP installed.
x theSpaceGirl (miranda)
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