Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/30/07 20:47
zach wrote:
> Rik wrote:
>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:00:39 +0200, zach <wackzingo@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Captain Paralytic wrote:
>>>> On 29 Jul, 04:40, zach <wackzi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Although
>>>>> its not a PHP question is certainly is related
>>>> Related? Why, because people can use php to talk to mysql?
>>>> So, let's have MS windows questions on this group (because php can run
>>>> under windows)
>>>> Let's have business process questions (because it can be used to solve
>>>> business problems)
>>>> Let's have ...
>>> Yes...PHP and MySql so closely used in the industry its almost
>>> impossible to learn PHP without learning MySql.
>> Nonsense. I can (and have) use plenty of PHP without MySQL, even
>> without a database. Nor problems there, MySQL is 'just another
>> possible source of data'.
>>> Now, about the topic of posting his question in this group. Yes it
>>> was not the best place to post it, but Rami could have simply
>>> answered his question, and
>> No and, it sets precedents. Even now more and more people keep turning
>> up here for MySQL questions. Why? Because they get answered. I myself
>> am also guilty, giving answers to those questions.
>>> politely informed him that this is not the appropriate newsgroup to
>>> post those kinds of questions.
>> Is what should and will be done.
>> --Rik Wasmus
> I'm not disagreeing about where it should have been posted. And I
> probably overreacted to Rami's response...but the guy was asking a very
> simple question, (and only 6-8 off topic questions have been asked in
> the last 1000 posts) and is obviously new. I just think he should have
> answered and then politely told him there are places where he could get
> a better answer as the post is off topic. I've got a lot of help from
> yourself and others here, I just hate it when someone doesn't give the
> new guys a break. Anyways, this is getting off topic and has nothing to
> do with PHP so I'll end my comments on this.
> zach
As Rik said - people come here because they search Google for MySQL and
see questions answered here.
If they see people politely redirected to the correct group, they'll see
that, also.
One way will encourage them to post here. The other will encourage them
to post in the correct place.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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