Posted by SpaceGirl on 07/31/07 22:44
Travis Newbury wrote:
> On Jul 30, 6:02 pm, SpaceGirl <nothespacegirls...@subhuman.net> wrote:
>>> Other than getting the Flash API and hand coding a SWF file (pain in
>>> the ass, but not impossible) the only thing I know of is getting the
>>> 30 day demo of Flash or Swish
>> Flex :)
> I have not played with Flex a lot, but from what I have read it is
> Swish on steroids
Flex is nothing like Swish. Flex allows you to generate Flash on the fly
from your server. I don't mean loading content in; I mean literally
drawing elements as and when you need them then delivering it across the
net. It has stacks of built in UI tools, meaning you could build VAST
applications in it. It also ties into the .NET and Java platforms, so
you can use Flex to create the presentation layer of very large
distributed applications. It's hardcore server stuff really; it uses
it's own markup language (MXML), which you can also embed with AS3 to
generate some amazingly powerful stuff.
Still early days for Flex I think, but we'll see more and more of it in
the future I'm sure.
However, if you want to keep life simple and you are not designing
Amazon.com 2.0, Flash CS3 + AS3 + server side web services are really
hot too, and you don't need to be running Flex, however integration to
larger apps would be harder.
I'm no Flex genius either so maybe someone on the alt.macromedia.flash
group can sum up Flex better than I :)
x theSpaceGirl (miranda)
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