Posted by John Hosking on 08/01/07 04:15 wrote:
> <style type="text/css">
> .bluetext {font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 18pt; color:
> #000066;text-decoration: none;}
Points? Is this a print stylesheet? In color??
> .redtext {font-family: Comic Sans MS; font-size: 18pt; color:
> #000066;text-decoration: none;}
Nothing red about #000066.
> </style>
> </head>
You've lost your <head>. You're also missing the <title>.
I don't see this very often.
> Sub GetInfoSub
> Set objNet = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")
> ComputerName.InnerHTML = "<font face=Arial Size=4 color=blue>" &
> objNet.ComputerName & "</font>"
> End Sub
See, this shows how weak I am in VBScript; what is ComputerName when you
first reference it? And how does it get to be part of objNet (or is that
a different one, part of the NetWork object)?
> this code above "ComputerName.InnerHTML" formats my text as I would
> like it to be.
Well, that's a happy surprise.
> I would like to use something like the following to
> format my text instead:
> ComputerName.InnerHTML = "<p class="redtext">" & objNet.ComputerName
> & "</p>"
> this code will not work and generates errors.
> how can I use the .redtext class for my InnerHTML code???
What errors, then?
What is the innerHTML supposed to be within? Your first example was
inline content, now you're adding a <p> element. Where's the URL to the
rest of the code?
Have you tried different delimiters:
ComputerName.InnerHTML = "<p class='redtext'>" & objNet.ComputerName
& "</p>" ?
Pondering the value of the UIP:
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