Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 07/31/07 21:32
Ivan Marsh wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 16:45:15 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 14:48:31 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 31 Jul 2007 12:25:30 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:22:44 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 17:05:21 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 15:47:59 -0400, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Marsh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 19:42:18 +0200, Rik wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, about the topic of posting his question in this group.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes it was not the best place to post it, but Rami could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have simply answered his question, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No and, it sets precedents. Even now more and more people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep turning up here for MySQL questions. Why? Because they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get answered. I myself am also guilty, giving answers to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> those questions.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have no problem that people ask MySQL questions in this
>>>>>>>>>>>>> group... a lot of us run LAMP servers after all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not to mention the original question had *almost* nothing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do with MySQL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The MySQL client will produce output as wide as the terminal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you're running it in. Set the xterm window for 120 characters
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (for instance) and the MySQL client will produce 120
>>>>>>>>>>>>> character wide output.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe YOU don't. But most of us would rather see PHP
>>>>>>>>>>>> questions here.
>>>>>>>>>>> Did I miss the meeting where you were elected talking head for
>>>>>>>>>>> the group?
>>>>>>>>>> It was the same meeting where you were elected newsgroup troll.
>>>>>>>>> Brilliant retort... you clearly put me in my place there... but
>>>>>>>>> you should probably look up what "troll" means in an nntp
>>>>>>>>> context.
>>>>>>>> Yep, I know exactly what it means. And it fits you perfectly.
>>>>>>> You clearly don't. Apparently you think it applies to anyone who
>>>>>>> disagrees with you and stands up to you after you've been an ass.
>>>>>>> Perhaps you should take a break from posting until you stop
>>>>>>> menstruating.
>>>>>> ROFLMAO! Check back through this thread. You started the name
>>>>>> calling.
>>>>>> And you kept trying to change the subject because you had no
>>>>>> arguments.
>>>>>> And you continue. Just another troll.
>>>>> As I said, you should look up what troll means. Let me look back in
>>>>> the thread and refresh your memory:
>>>>> "I have no problem that people ask MySQL questions in this group... a
>>>>> lot of us run LAMP servers after all."
>>>>> To which you felt it necessary to act like you own the group and be
>>>>> an ass.
>>>>> If you can't be civil then don't expect other to be.
>>>> Get it straight in your head, troll. This is a PHP newsgroup. If you
>>>> don't believe it, read the charter for the newsgroup. You can find it
>>>> at http://www.dbforums.com/archive/index.php/t-400780.html.
>>> You are truly deluded.
>>> Are you suggesting that it would be inappropriate for someone to ask a
>>> PHP related MySQL question in this group?
>>> Do you know what a LAMP server is?
>>> Are you aware that in my post I also pointed out that the question was
>>> not only off topic for this group but for a MySQL group as well?
>>> This argument has nothing to do with what's on or off topic here but
>>> the fact that you're a big whiny dork that thought he should act like
>>> the emperor of the group by parroting information I had already
>>> included in my post back to me as if you were an authority.
>>> If all you can do is call people a troll when they clearly aren't being
>>> one and are incapable of justifying your own statements then your
>>> opinion is pretty much irrelevant.
>> Read the charter. This group is for PHP questions. I'm not the
>> authority - the charter for this newsgroup is.
> Then don't speak as if you are.
I'm just repeating what the charter said.
>> And there is nothing in the charter discussing MySQL. It is all about
>> PHP.
> So if someone is trying to figure out why their PHP code that connects to
> a MySQL server isn't working they should be refused help?
> What if their PHP code is trying to write a file to the file system?
> Should they be in a group for the filesystem?
> So, help me understand, as far as you're concerned the only questions on
> topic here are concerning PHP syntax in a vacuum? Not application?
That is not what I said. And not what the charter says. Learn to read.
It's simple English.
>> That's what this discussion is about - not the fact that you're a troll.
> Could you explain how that last statement even makes sense?
It's just the fact. This discussion is about whether MySQL questions
are appropriate to this newsgroup. They aren't, according to the
Charter. And just because YOU think it's ok to post MySQL questions in
here doesn't mean it is.
Thats' what the discussion is about. You've already proven yourself to
be a troll. That's not necessary to discuss.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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