Posted by Gordon Burditt on 08/01/07 12:19
>In my website there is requirement to disable rightclick.
Just about any browser will already have the content in its cache
at the point where a user might want to do a rightclick (and the
user can just get it from there). And besides, Javascript is Turned
Off (tm) (patent pending).
>I am providing the code and it is working in I.E ,Netscape and
I don't believe that it is working, especially with Javascript
Turned Off (tm) (patent pending).
>But not working in Opera browser.
If you don't want the user to save a copy of it, deny him access
to it in the first place.
>My code is
><body oncontextmenu='return false;'>
>The above single line code is working very fine in the above browsers
>not in Opera.
>Please provide the code for opera and remaining browsers .
>Thanking u
>I am wating for u r answer.
U is dead, after his term working for the United Nations.
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