Posted by David Dorward on 08/03/07 15:42
On Aug 3, 4:20 pm, "GTS" <x...@y.net> wrote:
> My client has an odd setup where his web site is hosted on an external
> server but to enable access to it using his servers domain name/url a frame
> is used pointing to the IP address of the external server.
Sounds like typical check-and-nasty frames based DNS hosting. He
really should get proper hosting instead.
> This works fine
> for the top level (first link) with the HTML code below. However, a sub
> page cannot be accessed directly this way. I'm looking for a way to get the
> full URL passed to the frame and putting it into a variable that I can then
> use with the src.
Do you control the server that generates the frame source code? If so,
fix the syntax errors (starting with the missing doctype), then
dynamically generate the src attribute based on the URL of the page
Otherwise, you can't do anything about it.
David Dorward
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